Bringing the Joy of Kindness to Children
What is the Forcefield for Good?

What is Kindness?
Why be Kind?
Teaching the Power of Kindness
Forcefield for Good evolved from asking those 2 simple questions. In so many schools today children see kindness as a list of rules to follow or a clever acronym to memorize. Though there is nothing wrong with these well intentioned programs, it is possible to follow the rules and memorize acronyms and still not comprehend and celebrate our higher self, our true nobility. When my teacher friend Colleen heard the song, Know Your Higher Self she replaced her class rules with one rule, “Be Your Higher Self.” Suddenly students had a single principle for reflecting on their behavior in their own lives and in the literature they were reading. The Forcefield for Good was born. It is not a program, but a tool for self reflection.To learn more watch the Ted Talk above and explore these singalong songs and pdf lessons with your class.
Kindness is a protection. Together we can weave a Forcefield for Good.
A Principal’s View

A School Year of Singalong songs and PDF Lessons for Kindness
Signing the Chorus of Know Your Higher Self
A Pledge of Kindness
Written by Norma Castillo’s 6th grade class at Uvalde Dual Language Academy in September of 2022, this pledge of allegiance to the heart can be used each morning by students as an opportunity to reflect on their own personal path to kinder living. Questions like “Did I choose the kinder path today on the playground?’ can help students think about their behavior in real time and work to making better choices in the future.

Forcefield for Good assemblies are joyous school wide events where we celebrate kindness through music and dance. Costs vary based on location and length of visit. Call or text me at 802-345-9193 for more information or fill out the form below.
Assemblies and School Visits with Barry Lane

Uvalde , Texas 2023